Anton Obukhov

  • Registered on: 2012-02-12
  • Last connection: 2012-03-22


Reported issues: 0


05:04 pm OpenCV Bug #1640 (Done): Assertion Fail on CascadeClassifier on GPU
This is just a switch between a more and less efficient algorithms. The switch is turned on for the newer GPUs. So if...
03:43 pm OpenCV Bug #1640 (Done): Assertion Fail on CascadeClassifier on GPU
What I meant is to report a bug with a minimum standalone app, compiling from a minimum amount of source co...
01:12 pm OpenCV Bug #1640 (Done): Assertion Fail on CascadeClassifier on GPU
Hi Mark,
Just one more question: is this issue reproducible on any other OS/bitness/hardware combination? Is this ...
12:55 am OpenCV Bug #1640 (Done): Assertion Fail on CascadeClassifier on GPU
Hi Mark, do most of the compute-intensive samples from the CUDA C SDK (particles, nbody) run normally on your setup?


09:37 pm OpenCV Bug #1640 (Done): Assertion Fail on CascadeClassifier on GPU
Please update the the most recent NVIDIA driver, and if the issue persists, tell us the OS, bitness, and driver version.


03:38 pm OpenCV Feature #1525 (Open): output of GPU detectMultiScale returns multiple of detector size
This is on purpose. The integral image is built only once for the input image, and instead of performing downsampling...


01:10 pm OpenCV Bug #1465 (Cancelled): OpenCV SVN trunk Rev. 6947 compile error.
10:44 am OpenCV Bug #1464 (Done): OpenCV SVN trunk Rev. 6946 compile error.
Fixed in r6947


01:12 pm OpenCV Feature #1462 (Done): NCV.hpp
Already fixed


01:44 pm OpenCV Bug #1461 (Done): openCV SVN Rev. 6943 compile error.
Fixed in r6944

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