Will Stewart

  • Registered on: 2014-02-25
  • Last connection: 2014-02-27


Reported issues: 1


04:28 pm OpenCV Bug #3573 (Open): Java: important BackgroundSubtractionMOG2 parameters cannot be set
This was my first bug report - did I do this right, or is there some other reason why it has been passed over for now?
03:18 am OpenCV Bug #3460 (Open): CV_CAP_PROP'S constants missing from Java bindings
I'm using 2.4.8 on Ubuntu Studio 12.04 32bit and here is what I get for propid from an Axis camera at the very beginn...


08:41 pm OpenCV Bug #3454 (Open): CV_CAP_PROP_FPS missing from Java bindings
videocapture.get(5) normally works for me at the present time, return FPS for most video streams. Occasionally it is ...
05:07 pm OpenCV Bug #3573 (Open): Java: important BackgroundSubtractionMOG2 parameters cannot be set

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