xiuli pan
- Registered on: 2014-02-24
- Last connection: 2014-03-02
Reported issues: 1
- 02:56 am OpenCV Bug #3566 (Done): ocl_samples_facedetect fails on Intel platform with FEATURE_CL_INTEL_DEVICE
- I have compared the output between the Windows and Linux, and find a bug of the Linux sdk. Thank you for your help. A...
- 06:16 am OpenCV Bug #3566 (Done): ocl_samples_facedetect fails on Intel platform with FEATURE_CL_INTEL_DEVICE
- It seems the patch can work fine on the windows of HD4000, but still fail on Linux.
- 08:43 am OpenCV Bug #3566 (Done): ocl_samples_facedetect fails on Intel platform with FEATURE_CL_INTEL_DEVICE
- I have tried the patch you provide and it seems can not find the right face still. I will test on more platform tommo...
- 01:51 pm OpenCV Bug #3566 (Done): ocl_samples_facedetect fails on Intel platform with FEATURE_CL_INTEL_DEVICE
- I am using the 3rd Intel Graphic HD4000, maybe that's the cause? I see the update is after the Intel release the Open...
- 03:43 am OpenCV Bug #3566 (Done): ocl_samples_facedetect fails on Intel platform with FEATURE_CL_INTEL_DEVICE
- Here is the pictures. Also, the candidate is about 220,000 for the lena.jpg when I uncomment the code @//printf("cand...
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