ZhiHeng NIU

  • Registered on: 2012-02-12
  • Last connection: 2013-05-23


Reported issues: 2


02:30 pm OpenCV Bug #2115 (Open): Problem reading .AVI file when migrating from openCV 2.1 to openCV2.4.1
I encountered the same problem for OpenCV2.4.2. Crashed at icvRetrieveFrame_FFMPEG_p when read an AVI file.


06:26 am OpenCV Patch #1223 (Done): Problem of decoding h264 video with ffmpeg
Good work, you guys!
I have just tried the svn version of #8085. In this version the problem has been fixed. Thank y...


06:56 am OpenCV Patch #1223 (Done): Problem of decoding h264 video with ffmpeg
I fixed the problem for my case. However I am not sure whether it could cause new problems.
*[Simple Explanation]*


11:55 am OpenCV Patch #1223 (Done): Problem of decoding h264 video with ffmpeg
I just tried SVN version of OpenCV 2.3.2 (Aug 18,2011). The same problem remains. When I roll back to OpenCV 2.2 DLLs...


03:11 pm OpenCV Patch #1223 (Done): Problem of decoding h264 video with ffmpeg


10:47 am OpenCV Bug #782 (Done): Video Writer always uses YUV420P to write raw videos

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