Robert Nitsch

  • Registered on: 2013-10-08
  • Last connection: 2015-04-01


Reported issues: 2


10:38 am OpenCV Bug #4052 (Open): No iOS Framework for 2.4.10
I would like to add that this is an _urgent_ issue for iOS developers like me, because as of February 1, 2015 new app...


11:34 am OpenCV Bug #4052 (Open): No iOS Framework for 2.4.10
@Anton Pauli:
I get the same build errors.


11:37 am OpenCV Bug #4052 (Open): No iOS Framework for 2.4.10
Update: I just tried to compile with the newly added iOS framework 2.4.10, but it seems to be broken. I get the follo...


01:44 pm OpenCV Bug #4052 (Open): No iOS Framework for 2.4.10
Yes, it is now on the downloads page. Thanks!


01:52 pm OpenCV Bug #4052 (Open): No iOS Framework for 2.4.10
01:37 pm OpenCV Bugfix #3705 (Done): params.setRecordingHint(true) breaks camera preview on Samsung Galaxy S2
I would like to add that there are more affected devices, for example the LG G3. Also, please note that it's not just...


06:49 pm OpenCV Bug #3443 (Open): CvVideoCamera


06:31 pm OpenCV Bug #3389 (Done): CVVideoCamera on iOS 7
06:02 pm OpenCV Bug #3389 (Done): CVVideoCamera on iOS 7
I am dealing with that problem for a while now. Eventually I created a minimum project (see attachment) which reprodu...

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