sfdhiu iuhiuh

  • Registered on: 2013-10-08
  • Last connection: 2013-10-15


Reported issues: 1


10:52 am OpenCV Bugfix #3306 (Done): cv::VideoCapture reads only image sequence if images are located in the same...
Okay I got in contact with the author (Nils Hasler, see cap_images.cpp). Some things.
*1.)* He fixed the bug with ...


11:08 am OpenCV Bugfix #3306 (Done): cv::VideoCapture reads only image sequence if images are located in the same...
Kirill Kornyakov wrote:
> Well, if you think this is a bug, you can try to debug it. It should be relatively easy to ...


12:21 pm OpenCV Bugfix #3306 (Done): cv::VideoCapture reads only image sequence if images are located in the same...
I tried exactly would you suggested:
Case 1:*
std::string pathToData("c:\\path\\cap_00000000.bmp");
09:23 am OpenCV Bugfix #3306 (Done): cv::VideoCapture reads only image sequence if images are located in the same...
Im sorry, I can't get this to work. Could you tell me the correct syntax for the following example:
Images are loc...


01:35 pm OpenCV Bugfix #3306 (Done): cv::VideoCapture reads only image sequence if images are located in the same...

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