Alexander Karsakov
Reported issues: 1
- 11:31 am OpenCV Bug #4135 (Cancelled): XML file can not be loaded.
- Hi Sheng Liu,
You need to specify path to XML with trained cascade. For example:
@./facedetect --cascade="D:/open...
- 03:04 pm OpenCV Feature #4040 (Done): library inclusion
- Hi wooden glider!
I think, OpenCV DevZone is not the right place to ask such question. Please ask it here: http://...
- 12:42 pm OpenCV Feature #4021 (Cancelled): new type for Mat class.
- Hi wooden glider!
I beleive @uint@ is not supported because it doesn't make sense for computer vision applications... - 12:33 pm OpenCV Bug #4019 (Cancelled): Bug detected at Mat class constructor #4: Mat::Mat(int rows, int cols, int...
- Hi wooden glider!
It's not a bug. But it can be useful, you may implement this functionality and send pull request...
- 02:58 pm OpenCV Bug #3959 (Done): HoughLines crashes
- Yan Wang,
thanks for fix! - 08:22 am OpenCV Bug #3977 (Done): ocl_pow selects incorrect built-in function
- 02:28 pm OpenCV Bug #3977 (Done): ocl_pow selects incorrect built-in function
- Hi Yuri,
Thanks for reporting this issue!
I am going to make this fix, if you don't mind.
- 01:47 pm OpenCV Bug #3172 (Open): BFMatcher
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