Gregory Kramida

  • Registered on: 2013-08-05
  • Last connection: 2015-03-02


Reported issues: 2


08:01 pm OpenCV Bug #3986 (Done): Compiling errors for cap_ffmpeg on Ubuntu 14.10 x64
Dark Dragon wrote:
> I don't think that the libav*-ffmpeg-dev are needed at all. Can somebody confirm this?
> A...


04:34 pm OpenCV Bug #4158 (Open): Building with support for both OpenNI and OpenNI2 results in linking conflict
04:09 pm OpenCV Bug #4157 (Incomplete): CMake inter-target dependency graph contains a cycle
Work-around: turn off either BUILD_opencv_python2 or BUILD_opencv_python3
04:06 pm OpenCV Bug #4157 (Incomplete): CMake inter-target dependency graph contains a cycle

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