Victor Kocheganov

  • Registered on: 2013-07-28
  • Last connection: 2013-11-28



Reported issues: 1


07:50 am OpenCV Bugfix #3402 (Done): fixed crash in cornersubpix.cpp/samplers.cpp
Hello Eric,
and thank you for submitting this issue, and moreover for fixing it by yourself (!). This is always ap...


01:39 pm OpenCV Bug #3397 (Cancelled): RE: Some missing header files
01:39 pm OpenCV Patch #3394 (Done): Compilation Error OpenNI
01:32 pm OpenCV Bug #3397 (Cancelled): RE: Some missing header files
Hello, Dan!
You are always welcome by the community :-)
Basing on the pull request
01:13 pm OpenCV Bug #3398 (Cancelled): cs-make Error 1 in Sourcery CodeBench IDE
Hello Roser!
Thank you for interest to OpenCV library.
I think this question better to ask on
12:52 pm OpenCV Bug #3395 (Done): ffmpeg dlls shipped with v2.4.7 incompatible with python module
12:14 pm OpenCV Feature #3375 (Done): Documentation should point to sources on GitHub instead of Chili
Unbeleivable, Steven, you are going to handle this ticket too :-) Thank you one more time.
Linking pull request to...
12:11 pm OpenCV Bugfix #3306 (Done): cv::VideoCapture reads only image sequence if images are located in the same...
12:07 pm OpenCV Bug #3370 (Done): CvCascadeImageReader::NegReader::nextImg() skips all the images after reading a...
The big thank to you, Steven!
Will link this PR to the ticket.
12:03 pm OpenCV Bug #3184 (Cancelled): Missing documentation
Since you spent some time to investigate this descriptor, I believe it will be much easier for you to create document...

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