Leszek Hanusz

  • Registered on: 2013-06-06
  • Last connection: 2013-09-03


Reported issues: 1


04:55 am OpenCV Bug #3075 (Done): imgdecode strip the alpha channel on some png images


05:43 am OpenCV Bug #3075 (Done): imgdecode strip the alpha channel on some png images
Using png_get_tRNS instead of the pnginfo struct + Squashing the oops commits into one and new pull request to the 2....
03:25 am OpenCV Bug #3075 (Done): imgdecode strip the alpha channel on some png images
Hmm buildbot is not happy. Apparently still not correct because of the location of pnginfo.h ...
03:06 am OpenCV Bug #3075 (Done): imgdecode strip the alpha channel on some png images
A new pull request has been made from a new branch (png_palette_alpha_support) to the 2.4 branch.
I made a mistake...


07:15 pm OpenCV Bug #3075 (Done): imgdecode strip the alpha channel on some png images
Correction here:


03:47 pm OpenCV Bug #3075 (Done): imgdecode strip the alpha channel on some png images
More information:
Apparently PNG files in resources on android could be optimized automatically to a palette color t...


06:19 pm OpenCV Bug #3075 (Done): imgdecode strip the alpha channel on some png images

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