Oliver Wilkie

  • Registered on: 2013-06-05
  • Last connection: 2013-12-19


Reported issues: 1


12:53 am OpenCV Bug #3437 (Done): Build WITH_OPENGL option not available even if building with QT on Mac OS X
I can confirm I have been able to build with OpenGL support and QT5 support on Mac OS X Mavericks. One minor adjustme...


02:21 pm OpenCV Bug #3437 (Done): Build WITH_OPENGL option not available even if building with QT on Mac OS X
FYI apparently "the person who enabled OpenGL interop in OpenCV didn't have access to Mac, so he disabled this option...


09:37 pm OpenCV Bug #3437 (Done): Build WITH_OPENGL option not available even if building with QT on Mac OS X

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