Peter Minin

  • Registered on: 2013-06-03
  • Last connection: 2013-12-16


Reported issues: 1


09:35 pm OpenCV Feature #1849 (Open): Add a binary FileStorage format
I miss this feature too, also mainly for saving classifier data. I went another way instead of compressing XML/YAML f...


02:12 am OpenCV Feature #3067 (Done): Make detectMultiScale return number of neighbors joined into each object
The old pull request was reverted (see discussion in its comments), here's a new one:


05:15 pm OpenCV Feature #3067 (Done): Make detectMultiScale return number of neighbors joined into each object
Here's the pull request:
04:50 pm OpenCV Feature #3067 (Done): Make detectMultiScale return number of neighbors joined into each object
Thanks for the link, it's an interesting research. It would be interesting to try continuous cascade responses rather...


09:18 pm OpenCV Bug #3064 (Done): detectMultiScale undocumented call does not group rectangles properly
Well, yes, that variant of @groupRectangles@ is called from @detectMultiScale@ when @outputRejectLevels = true@, but ...


05:13 pm OpenCV Bug #3064 (Done): detectMultiScale undocumented call does not group rectangles properly
I've also tried to understand this code and it seems that this strange comparison is intentional. It is used only fro...
04:42 pm OpenCV Feature #3067 (Done): Make detectMultiScale return number of neighbors joined into each object
OK, I will contribute it, I actually have a patch created already. But it says in "How to contribute" that the branch...


01:55 pm OpenCV Feature #3067 (Done): Make detectMultiScale return number of neighbors joined into each object

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