Achal Dave

  • Registered on: 2013-06-01
  • Last connection: 2014-07-02


Reported issues: 4


10:06 pm OpenCV Feature #3789 (Cancelled): Add documentation for RGBA2* and *2RGBA codes for cvtColor
Accidental duplicate of #3790
08:20 pm OpenCV Bug #3790 (Done): Documentation: Add documentation for RGBA2* and *2RGBA codes for cvtColor
08:20 pm OpenCV Feature #3789 (Cancelled): Add documentation for RGBA2* and *2RGBA codes for cvtColor


07:13 pm OpenCV Bug #3064 (Done): detectMultiScale undocumented call does not group rectangles properly
Since I can't seem to find a way to edit comments:
> this does not seem to be correct
refers to the idea that @...
07:12 pm OpenCV Bug #3064 (Done): detectMultiScale undocumented call does not group rectangles properly
Actually, looking at this further, this does not seem to be correct. Even if you request @outputRejectLevels@, @group...


10:47 pm OpenCV Bug #3064 (Done): detectMultiScale undocumented call does not group rectangles properly
Oh, I suppose that could be a reason. However, if this is the case, the check "here":
08:37 pm OpenCV Feature #3067 (Done): Make detectMultiScale return number of neighbors joined into each object
Do note that this is not to say that the number of neighbors is not useful, but it should be noted (in the documentat...
08:35 pm OpenCV Feature #3067 (Done): Make detectMultiScale return number of neighbors joined into each object
While @numNeighbors@ is a decent measure of confidence, theoretically, the @levelWeights@ provided by the undocumente...
08:17 pm OpenCV Bug #3064 (Done): detectMultiScale undocumented call does not group rectangles properly
From what I have seen, it is also called from @detectMultiScale@, and it is used to group the various detected window...


02:35 am OpenCV Bug #3064 (Done): detectMultiScale undocumented call does not group rectangles properly
However, this bug may still not be fixed. This may have only b...

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