Prasan Samtani
- Registered on: 2013-05-04
- Last connection: 2013-09-19
Reported issues: 1
- 04:44 pm OpenCV Feature #3249 (Open): Update FLANN Library
- Alright, I'll try and do so this weekend.
- 07:09 pm OpenCV Feature #3249 (Open): Update FLANN Library
- I can take a look at this if nobody else is doing so.
It appears that the flann repo on github is significantly di... - 07:07 pm OpenCV Bug #3118 (Cancelled): drawMatches bug
- Updated pull request for branch 2.4:
Earlier pull request was closed.
- 07:03 pm OpenCV Bug #3118 (Cancelled): drawMatches bug
- Pull request is here:
Caveat: It still isn't clear to me which order i...
- 06:27 pm OpenCV Patch #3010 (Done): A patch to compile OpenCV on Ubuntu 12
- The steps to get it building on Ubuntu once you have the prerequisites are:
1) git clone the repo from github
2) ... - 11:51 am OpenCV Bug #2993 (Done): Error compiling github version Apr 18, 2013
- FYI I ran into the same issue. If you don't care about python support, simply comment out the last line in modules/py...
- 08:34 am OpenCV Patch #3010 (Done): A patch to compile OpenCV on Ubuntu 12
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