Gurpinder Sandhu

  • Registered on: 2013-03-27
  • Last connection: 2013-07-18


Reported issues: 0


06:40 pm OpenCV Feature #2950 (Open): Conversion RGB2HSI
Any updates whether it has been done, I want to use it. If not I myself can make a pull request :)
06:24 pm OpenCV Feature #2959 (Cancelled): RotatedRect
As far as I know member function points() does this exactly.
04:53 pm OpenCV Bug #2988 (Open): cv::line draws wrong lines when coordinates are very far from image
@Vadim I think this can solved simply by adding an assertion in the line function:
CV_Assert(pt1.x < img.cols &...


05:21 pm OpenCV Bug #2960 (Done): BGR2GRAY mentioning in documentation
Please refer [[]]


02:51 pm OpenCV Bugfix #2819 (Done): reinterpret_cast used instead of static_cast
this has been merged please close this


06:20 pm OpenCV Feature #2890 (Done): Integer size for drawing. Limited to short.
I looked into this problem
It seems that the line function has been explicity designed for 16-bit wide numbers with ...


08:11 pm OpenCV Bug #2927 (Done): get NaN-Values from SimpleBlobDetector::findBlobs
I have sent a pull request for this

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