Benjamin Ross

  • Registered on: 2012-02-12


Reported issues: 1


07:55 pm OpenCV Feature #523 (Done): Adding a MaxSize parameter in cvHaarDetectObjects
I just tried this with the latest svn. Please re-investigate this. The max face size parameters ONLY works for the LB...


11:40 pm OpenCV Feature #1354 (Open): CascadeClassifier object, load from memory
This ticket refers to the old format xml files that are shipped with opencv. I know that there is a FileStorage objec...
05:41 pm OpenCV Feature #1354 (Open): CascadeClassifier object, load from memory


04:52 am OpenCV Feature #523 (Done): Adding a MaxSize parameter in cvHaarDetectObjects
I should note, I am using the older "c" style opencv commands. I am using cvHaarDetectObjects(...), rather than the c...
04:50 am OpenCV Feature #523 (Done): Adding a MaxSize parameter in cvHaarDetectObjects
Using the latest SVN version, the max size parameter does not seem to take effect. I wrote a face detector with minim...

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