Sergei Nosov

  • Email:
  • Registered on: 2013-02-20
  • Last connection: 2014-03-24


  • OpenCV (Developer, 2013-06-13)


Reported issues: 0


08:08 am OpenCV Bug #1437 (Done): critical bug when both mouse buton and mouse move is done
Hi, David!
Could you, please, consider submitting a Pull Request with a proposed fix to our GitHub repo (https://g...


11:43 am OpenCV Bug #3623 (Cancelled): For Background Subtraction, the value nShadowDetection can't be set
11:42 am OpenCV Bug #3623 (Cancelled): For Background Subtraction, the value nShadowDetection can't be set
Thx for reporting! Could you, please, consider submitting a pull request to our repo on GitHub (https://github...


09:08 am OpenCV Bugfix #3622 (Cancelled): locateROI on roi of roi
Hi! Thx for the report!
However, the function works as intended and I can't really see why you're referring to the b...


10:56 am OpenCV Bug #3598 (Done): tutorial histogram comparison
Thx! Great job!


04:09 pm OpenCV Bug #3614 (Open): cv::videoCapture.set Exposure property not working
04:08 pm OpenCV Bug #3616 (Open): Inconsistent default parameters for SURF_GPU
04:07 pm OpenCV Bug #3613 (Open): java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Native object address is NULL in org....
04:06 pm OpenCV Bug #3620 (Done): memory leak problems with video recording in iOS
PR merged
04:06 pm OpenCV Bug #3620 (Done): memory leak problems with video recording in iOS

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