Franck Charpentier

  • Registered on: 2013-02-02
  • Last connection: 2013-10-20


Reported issues: 4


10:20 pm OpenCV Bug #3328 (Done): [Install] CMake don't detect OpenMP with g++ (linux 64 and 32, ...) maybe for m...
the problem can easily be resolved by
replace the lignes 49 to 58 by...
08:08 pm OpenCV Bug #3328 (Done): [Install] CMake don't detect OpenMP with g++ (linux 64 and 32, ...) maybe for m...
the command *try_compile(HAVE_OPENMP "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}" "${_fname}")* return always *FALSE* in *HAVE_OPENMP* beca...
05:50 pm OpenCV Bug #3328 (Done): [Install] CMake don't detect OpenMP with g++ (linux 64 and 32, ...) maybe for m...


11:51 pm OpenCV Bug #2985 (Done): OPENCLAMDBLAS and OPENCLAMDFFT cmake file cmake/OpenCVDetectOpenCL.cmake
The modified file as an attachment. This is probably not the best solution but on my linux, it goes....
11:40 pm OpenCV Bug #2985 (Done): OPENCLAMDBLAS and OPENCLAMDFFT cmake file cmake/OpenCVDetectOpenCL.cmake
to detect, I define the :...
11:34 pm OpenCV Bug #2985 (Done): OPENCLAMDBLAS and OPENCLAMDFFT cmake file cmake/OpenCVDetectOpenCL.cmake
The last comment is an error. "NAMES" of find_library is really clAmdFft.Runtime
10:21 pm OpenCV Bug #2985 (Done): OPENCLAMDBLAS and OPENCLAMDFFT cmake file cmake/OpenCVDetectOpenCL.cmake
with windows, the lib does not call clAmdFft.Runtime. a search on clAmdFft would be better for Windows and Linux.
09:26 pm OpenCV Bug #2985 (Done): OPENCLAMDBLAS and OPENCLAMDFFT cmake file cmake/OpenCVDetectOpenCL.cmake


10:15 pm OpenCV Bug #2981 (Done): OPENCLAMDBLAS and OPENCLAMDFFT cmake file
07:45 pm OpenCV Bug #2751 (Cancelled): OPENCLAMDBLAS and OPENCLAMDFFT with AMD OpenCL on Linux and g++
this is no longer. Corrected or removed in the latest version ( 2.4.5 )

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