Nikolay Rogoshchenkov

  • Registered on: 2013-01-29
  • Last connection: 2016-04-11


Reported issues: 9


09:46 pm OpenCV Bug #4381 (Cancelled): OpenCV Error: Gpu API call (invalid device pointer) in unknown function, f...
Can't recreate this issue anymore. Sorry.


10:11 pm OpenCV Bug #4381 (Cancelled): OpenCV Error: Gpu API call (invalid device pointer) in unknown function, f...
To be clear, this code made as a function, which was called in loop, and this error appears always on a second loop s...
09:25 pm OpenCV Bug #4381 (Cancelled): OpenCV Error: Gpu API call (invalid device pointer) in unknown function, f...
error right after "fast(img1, mask1, keypoints1GPU);"
09:25 pm OpenCV Bug #4381 (Cancelled): OpenCV Error: Gpu API call (invalid device pointer) in unknown function, f...


06:19 pm OpenCV Bug #3122 (Open): Stitcher generate result file 158 bytes long without error
Same with 2.4.11 for both x86 and x64 arch's.
Resulting pano has size = (1,1), but calculation time about right


09:00 pm OpenCV Bug #3122 (Open): Stitcher generate result file 158 bytes long without error
any updates?


02:28 pm OpenCV Feature #3158 (Open): Support disabling LZW compression for writing TIFF images
12:01 am OpenCV Bug #3122 (Open): Stitcher generate result file 158 bytes long without error
Alexey Spizhevoy wrote:
> I couldn't reproduce the problem. But I guess the behavior you observed was due to the FLAN...


11:19 pm OpenCV Bug #3122 (Open): Stitcher generate result file 158 bytes long without error
Alexey Spizhevoy wrote:
> As for the new info, do you have the same problem without CUDA support?
Thank you, Alexey...


03:48 pm OpenCV Bug #3122 (Open): Stitcher generate result file 158 bytes long without error
input files available here: ~5.5Mb

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