Gilad Kapelushnik

  • Registered on: 2012-09-10
  • Last connection: 2013-02-24


Reported issues: 5


09:44 am OpenCV Feature #2792 (Cancelled): MinMax Thresholding


11:01 am OpenCV Bug #2638 (Cancelled): VideoWriter swithes red and blue channels when reciving RGB images
This is the case.
I think a proper description of this in the documentation would help.


02:44 pm OpenCV Bug #2638 (Cancelled): VideoWriter swithes red and blue channels when reciving RGB images


01:19 am OpenCV Bug #2451 (Cancelled): RGB2HSV <-> HSV2RGB 'V' channel issue.
Vadim, you are my hero !!!
The problem was in the conversation from a float image to a byte image. some values wer...


07:41 pm OpenCV Bug #2451 (Cancelled): RGB2HSV <-> HSV2RGB 'V' channel issue.


04:14 pm OpenCV Feature #2386 (Done): Add TBB/IPP optimization for bilateral filter.
It would be nice to have a list of functions that are optimized for TBB/IPP/CUDA.
Great product BTW


07:21 pm OpenCV Feature #2346 (Open): Support UnBayer color conversion for Single (float) Images
I know that in most cases the first operation that is done is unbayer the data that is received from the camera.
In ...
07:03 pm OpenCV Feature #2386 (Done): Add TBB/IPP optimization for bilateral filter.
Is this already part of 2.4.2 or will it be in 2.4.3?
11:56 am OpenCV Feature #2386 (Done): Add TBB/IPP optimization for bilateral filter.


05:20 pm OpenCV Feature #2346 (Open): Support UnBayer color conversion for Single (float) Images

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