Aziz Baibabaev

  • Registered on: 2012-08-24
  • Last connection: 2014-08-14


Reported issues: 1


11:21 am OpenCV Bug #2846 (Open): Crash on Mac OS X with fullscreen window
Can this patch be accepted? This has been a recurrent OSX issue in every release up to the latest (2.4.9) and I can c...


01:46 pm OpenCV Feature #2645 (Done): Patch cvHaarDetectObjects for parallel_for_ 2.4.3


02:01 pm OpenCV Bug #2079 (Cancelled): cv::flip only working around x-axis (MinGW)
Vadim Pisarevsky wrote:
> we actually found MinGW being very buggy and do not recommend to go beyond -O1 with it, wh...

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