Ramiro Pereira de Magalhães

  • Registered on: 2012-08-19
  • Last connection: 2013-09-11


Reported issues: 4


08:04 pm OpenCV Bug #3258 (Cancelled): imread fails to load huge files
Just created a pull request with a patch intended to solve this issue: https://github.com/Itseez/opencv/pull/1438.


11:16 pm OpenCV Bug #3258 (Cancelled): imread fails to load huge files


08:44 pm OpenCV Feature #3241 (Open): Allow opencv_traincascade to load Haar wavelets from a file
I'm currently adapting the OpenCV code to do something like for an experiment I'm working on and I might be able to s...
08:37 pm OpenCV Bug #3204 (Done): Alternative inclusion of <math.h> or <cmath> which generate an error for isnan
Oh, no! I just found out that the issue has been closed but I worked for some time to solve it properly. Please see h...
02:17 am OpenCV Bug #3204 (Done): Alternative inclusion of <math.h> or <cmath> which generate an error for isnan
I was taking a look at this one on branch 2.4 and looks like someone is almost done with this issue, right? I submite...
01:09 am OpenCV Feature #3241 (Open): Allow opencv_traincascade to load Haar wavelets from a file
01:08 am OpenCV Bug #3239 (Cancelled): Allow opencv_traincascade to load Haar wavelets from a file
Cancelled this due to lack of metadata. Will create another to replace this one.


08:17 pm OpenCV Bug #3239 (Cancelled): Allow opencv_traincascade to load Haar wavelets from a file


10:34 pm OpenCV Bug #2282 (Cancelled): Improve documentation about imread and cvtColor function behaviour

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