Michael Burdinov

  • Registered on: 2012-08-02
  • Last connection: 2015-10-15


Reported issues: 5


09:16 pm OpenCV Bug #3770 (Done): Fixing the Q&A forum: it needs anti-spam settings activated
Can we increase number of people with moderator permissions? I know this is not a solution but at least it will reduc...


07:39 am OpenCV Bug #2736 (Cancelled): Wrong result in morphologic functions with non-default kernel
Kirill, it is pretty unlikely that I will be able to deal with it anytime soon, but I will try.


10:40 am OpenCV Bug #2736 (Cancelled): Wrong result in morphologic functions with non-default kernel


08:49 am OpenCV Feature #2648 (Open): Some basic operations on image are slow
And just for the record: absdiff( image1, Scalar, image1) is 5 times slower than absdiff( image1, image2, image1). So...


12:50 pm OpenCV Feature #2648 (Open): Some basic operations on image are slow
Vadim Pisarevsky wrote:
> abs() may take allocation of a temporary image when it's used as a part of complex express...


03:04 pm OpenCV Feature #2648 (Open): Some basic operations on image are slow


03:37 pm OpenCV Feature #2573 (Open): Multiple functions for polygon drawing
This is not issue of documentation (at least not only documentation). Someone has to decide which one of the 3 functi...
07:38 am OpenCV Feature #2574 (Open): Accepting vector<Point2d> instead of vector<Point> (for consistency and con...
07:19 am OpenCV Feature #2573 (Open): Multiple functions for polygon drawing


08:19 am OpenCV Bug #2229 (Done): OpenCV 2.4.2 won't compile on g++4.1.2 (bug in freak.cpp)

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