Stanislaw Halik

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  • Registered on: 2012-07-31
  • Last connection: 2015-07-08


Reported issues: 3


10:13 am OpenCV Bug #4471 (New): libv4l defaults to obsolete API if no libv4l1 detected


08:45 pm OpenCV Bug #2747 (Cancelled): something leaks, probably cv::resize CV_INTER_AREA
If the bug is indeed on my side (used API in wrong way), I'm sorry for wasting time of everyone involved.
08:44 pm OpenCV Bug #2747 (Cancelled): something leaks, probably cv::resize CV_INTER_AREA
Unless you consider such commits necessary:


06:38 am OpenCV Bug #2747 (Cancelled): something leaks, probably cv::resize CV_INTER_AREA
Sad to say that straightforward repro not possible. Note, however, that it happens only in 249, in 243 .deallocate() ...


05:08 pm OpenCV Bug #2747 (Cancelled): something leaks, probably cv::resize CV_INTER_AREA
Attaching full log.
More-or-less relevant parts of valgrind log:
==4740== Conditional jump or move depends on u...
04:23 pm OpenCV Bug #2747 (Cancelled): something leaks, probably cv::resize CV_INTER_AREA


06:05 pm OpenCV Bug #2734 (Done): solvePnp returns wrong results
Edit: I also notice you're using Rodrigues representation of angles as-is. Is it really that different with Euler ang...
01:28 pm OpenCV Bug #2734 (Done): solvePnp returns wrong results
Try this, to initialize rvec and tvec beforehand.
Not sure it's needed but ITERATIVE and EPNP return somewhat good...


04:21 pm OpenCV Bug #2216 (Done): ORB out-out-bounds memory access in 2.4.2
While the source code is available, it's a complex program that reaches a RANSAC consensus while tracking features: h...


05:00 am OpenCV Bug #2216 (Done): ORB out-out-bounds memory access in 2.4.2

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