Rosen Diankov

  • Registered on: 2012-02-12


Reported issues: 4


02:49 am OpenCV Bug #970 (Done): segmentation faults with libraries using libxml2
The problem can be fixed if modules/core/CMakeLists.txt is changed to:...


09:50 am OpenCV Bug #970 (Done): segmentation faults with libraries using libxml2
I should add that the segmentation fault happens just by adding -lopencv_core to the gcc command line, without even u...
09:47 am OpenCV Bug #970 (Done): segmentation faults with libraries using libxml2


09:59 am OpenCV Feature #307 (Done): expose flann in python interface


05:07 pm OpenCV Bug #306 (Done): PyrMeanShiftFiltering does not work
07:02 am OpenCV Bug #304 (Done): FindExtrinsicParams2 freezes on certain input
I just want to say that by adding a check on the eigenvalues of the coviariance matrix before calling the function, t...
06:28 am OpenCV Bug #304 (Done): FindExtrinsicParams2 freezes on certain input

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