Shengyin Wu
- Registered on: 2012-07-29
- Last connection: 2013-05-24
Reported issues: 0
- 04:21 am OpenCV Bug #2976 (Cancelled): opencv_traincascaded.exe crashes with invalid null pointer error to xstring
- This issue can be fixed by changing "all" to "ALL", and run again. Because the mode parameter only accept capital "AL...
- 04:10 am OpenCV Bug #2784 (Done): traincascade crashes with precalcBufSize 2048 or greater
- I think compile the opencv_traincascade with 64bit opencv will fix this problem. You can alloc more memory during ope...
- 04:04 am OpenCV Bug #2991 (Open): opencv_traincascade crashing with maxDepth > 3
- i have try maxDepth parameter > 3, but the program run correctlly.
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