Shengyin Wu

  • Registered on: 2012-07-29
  • Last connection: 2013-05-24


Reported issues: 0


04:21 am OpenCV Bug #2976 (Cancelled): opencv_traincascaded.exe crashes with invalid null pointer error to xstring
This issue can be fixed by changing "all" to "ALL", and run again. Because the mode parameter only accept capital "AL...
04:10 am OpenCV Bug #2784 (Done): traincascade crashes with precalcBufSize 2048 or greater
I think compile the opencv_traincascade with 64bit opencv will fix this problem. You can alloc more memory during ope...
04:04 am OpenCV Bug #2991 (Open): opencv_traincascade crashing with maxDepth > 3
i have try maxDepth parameter > 3, but the program run correctlly.

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