Martin Malchow
- Registered on: 2012-06-29
- Last connection: 2012-07-03
Reported issues: 1
- 01:23 pm OpenCV Bug #2112 (Cancelled): OpenCV 2.4.x minGW precompiled dlls
- Today I tried it with cmake like Evgeny Talanin described. But it's the same error again.
I also write something more...
- 06:00 pm OpenCV Bug #2112 (Cancelled): OpenCV 2.4.x minGW precompiled dlls
- That is wiered! I tried it on different undependend machines (one is XP and one is 7). I always get the same error: h...
- 11:22 pm OpenCV Bug #2112 (Cancelled): OpenCV 2.4.x minGW precompiled dlls
- I use Eclipse. But I also tried it via windows comandline with the same result. The tested OpenCV versions are 2.4.0 ...
- 11:32 am OpenCV Bug #2112 (Cancelled): OpenCV 2.4.x minGW precompiled dlls
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