Patrick Beeson

  • Registered on: 2012-02-12


Reported issues: 4


10:11 pm OpenCV Bug #1449 (Cancelled): cv::resize give "Illegal instructruction" error on 32-bit Linux


05:49 pm OpenCV Bug #1338 (Cancelled): cpp verison of StereoRectify is wrong
I now believe the issue was with stereoCalibrate converging to a bad set of parameters on occasion.
03:13 pm OpenCV Bug #1338 (Cancelled): cpp verison of StereoRectify is wrong
Here is some code where if you run stereoRectify on same intrinsics/extrinsics from stereoCalibrate(), when get weird...
02:14 pm OpenCV Bug #1338 (Cancelled): cpp verison of StereoRectify is wrong


10:34 pm OpenCV Feature #269 (Cancelled): FIX_INTRINSICS for a single camera in StereoCalibrate
10:34 pm OpenCV Feature #268 (Open): FIX_INTRINSICS for a single camera in StereoCalibrate

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