Pierre Chatelier
- Registered on: 2012-06-21
- Last connection: 2014-03-03
Reported issues: 3
- 04:50 pm OpenCV Feature #3586 (Cancelled): precomputed parameters to matchTemplate
- Sorry, I want to make it a "Feature" request, not a bug
- 04:49 pm OpenCV Feature #3586 (Cancelled): precomputed parameters to matchTemplate
- 04:42 pm OpenCV Bug #2858 (Open): OpenCV use InitializeCriticalSectionEx in release with all version of windows
- Just be careful to make it an optional CMake build option. People building OpenCV for Windows Vista+ certainly prefer...
- 02:36 pm OpenCV Feature #2929 (Cancelled): Allow histograms (cvCalcHist()) to work with COI and/or iplImageHeader
- 10:21 am OpenCV Bug #2858 (Open): OpenCV use InitializeCriticalSectionEx in release with all version of windows
- In the TBB "Release_Notes.txt", we can read
>If an application is built for Microsoft* Windows* XP Professional or s...
- 03:18 pm OpenCV Bug #2074 (Done): Debayer with _VNG is buggy
- When I say "On my screen, the output is correct", I only talk about the general aspect of the images.
The bug to obs... - 03:17 pm OpenCV Bug #2074 (Done): Debayer with _VNG is buggy
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