Clark Taylor
- Registered on: 2012-02-12
- Last connection: 2013-06-28
Reported issues: 3
- 08:25 pm OpenCV Bug #325 (Done): Memory Heap Corruption using cv::SURF
- 05:53 pm OpenCV Bug #245 (Done): Error in cvimgwarp.cpp
- Looking through the tickets, I believe this is the same error as discussed in ticket #195: "WarpPerspective: add some...
- 03:05 pm OpenCV Bug #245 (Done): Error in cvimgwarp.cpp
- Replying to "cntaylor":/issues/show/245:
Sorry, I should have put the code in the proper format for posting on a wik... - 02:59 pm OpenCV Bug #245 (Done): Error in cvimgwarp.cpp
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