Guanta Alecho
- Registered on: 2012-05-20
- Last connection: 2014-08-23
Reported issues: 2
- 04:47 pm OpenCV Bug #3874 (Done): Flag CV_PCA_DATA_AS_COL missing in core.hpp
- Update: After digging more in the code, I found out that the new macros already exist, but are in a different namespa...
- 04:16 pm OpenCV Bug #3874 (Done): Flag CV_PCA_DATA_AS_COL missing in core.hpp
- Update: the findFundamentalMat has been updated during a recent pr, so I am outdated here...
- 04:00 pm OpenCV Bug #3874 (Done): Flag CV_PCA_DATA_AS_COL missing in core.hpp
- Yes, the non-'CV_'-prefixed versions are just missing, maybe this part of the code just hasn't been revised yet. Curr...
- 01:12 pm OpenCV Bug #3874 (Done): Flag CV_PCA_DATA_AS_COL missing in core.hpp
- Yes they are there, but these are the macros for the "old" C-Api, which apparantly should be retained as is. So yes, ...
- 12:26 pm OpenCV Bug #3874 (Done): Flag CV_PCA_DATA_AS_COL missing in core.hpp
- I've meant the trunk-documentation at, and maybe my statement was too bold, not 'many' b...
- 05:16 pm OpenCV Bug #3874 (Done): Flag CV_PCA_DATA_AS_COL missing in core.hpp
- I also noted that many macros in the current documentation are still named with the prefix CV_ although they don't ex...
- 04:59 pm OpenCV Bug #3874 (Done): Flag CV_PCA_DATA_AS_COL missing in core.hpp
- 04:02 pm OpenCV Feature #3249 (Open): Update FLANN Library
- Prasan Samtani wrote:
> I can take a look at this if nobody else is doing so.
Cool, this would be great! I'd appr...
- 06:28 pm OpenCV Bugfix #3101 (Done): fix ellipse2poly
- Steven Puttemans wrote:
> Added pullrequest for the bugfix :
Thx for t...
- 11:30 pm OpenCV Feature #2987 (Incomplete): SIFT Octave bug
- Sorry to start a discussion: But shouldn't this be changed? Hhow should a typical user know that?
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