Viktor Bahr

  • Registered on: 2015-07-13
  • Last connection: 2015-07-22


Reported issues: 1


03:42 pm OpenCV Bug #4485 (Done): features2d's BRISK, ORB and AKAZE break at detectAndCompute()
Alexander Alekhin wrote:
> I can't reproduce this problem (Linux x64, without OpenCL device):
> [...]
> [....


01:59 am OpenCV Bug #4485 (Done): features2d's BRISK, ORB and AKAZE break at detectAndCompute()
Alexander Alekhin wrote:
> Does it work for you with "cv::ocl::setUseOpenCL(false)" (place it as a first statement i...


11:18 pm OpenCV Bug #4485 (Done): features2d's BRISK, ORB and AKAZE break at detectAndCompute()
I have to correct myself. KAZE does not work with my setup as well.
I've attached my test code....
09:29 pm OpenCV Bug #4485 (Done): features2d's BRISK, ORB and AKAZE break at detectAndCompute()

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