wuling Chang
- Registered on: 2012-05-07
- Last connection: 2012-12-28
Reported issues: 4
- 05:41 pm OpenCV Bug #2666 (Cancelled): Mat create bug
- Dear Vladislav
I check again.I make a mistake.
- 03:42 pm OpenCV Bug #2666 (Cancelled): Mat create bug
- Sorry, opencv ver is 2.4.2
- 03:31 pm OpenCV Bug #2666 (Cancelled): Mat create bug
- 11:04 am OpenCV Bug #2596 (Cancelled): Is this a bug or not about filter2D?
- Dear anna,
Thank your responsing, I use imagj & ni vision to check the result.
If i use list code:
float m[] = {...
- 03:39 pm OpenCV Bug #2596 (Cancelled): Is this a bug or not about filter2D?
- Sorry, the original picture is here
- 03:38 pm OpenCV Bug #2596 (Cancelled): Is this a bug or not about filter2D?
- 04:23 pm OpenCV Bug #2244 (Cancelled): CalcHist throw expection at gray & big pictures
- I think i find out the problem.
This picture is 8 bits gray format!
But I am confused that, when using imread ,th... - 03:45 pm OpenCV Bug #2244 (Cancelled): CalcHist throw expection at gray & big pictures
- 03:56 pm OpenCV Bug #2241 (Cancelled): CalcHist throw expection
- Hi ,
dear Marina,
I think i am wrong. I don't change histRanges,I try again and
Mat b_hist, g_hist, r_hist; //just... - 10:26 am OpenCV Bug #2241 (Cancelled): CalcHist throw expection
- Hi
There are some different in opencv2refman.pdf & opencv_tutorials.pdf.
In opencv2refman page 274, where example:
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