Jens Garstka

  • Registered on: 2015-06-05
  • Last connection: 2015-07-01


Reported issues: 3


02:37 pm OpenCV Bug #4314 (New): SVM AutoTrain
I have (had) the same problem. In case of an RBF kernel it is not sufficient to set the values of C and Gamma somewhe...
10:32 am OpenCV Bug #4455 (New): SVM write/load problems with kernels other than linear


03:25 pm OpenCV Bug #4383 (Cancelled): cv::Mat memory reallocation using push_back fails
For the sake of completeness: I tested the behaviour right now with OpenCV 3.0.0 (final). It is still the same.
09:44 am OpenCV Bug #4382 (Cancelled): cv::Mat memory reallocation using push_back fails
09:43 am OpenCV Bug #4383 (Cancelled): cv::Mat memory reallocation using push_back fails
09:41 am OpenCV Bug #4382 (Cancelled): cv::Mat memory reallocation using push_back fails

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