Alex D
- Registered on: 2015-05-15
- Last connection: 2015-05-15
Reported issues: 1
- 03:48 pm OpenCV Bug #4342 (Cancelled): [OpenCV 3.0.1] CascadeClassifier not working with HOG
- 03:00 pm OpenCV Bug #4137 (Cancelled): Crash while loading HOG object detection model
- Please fix this bug.
- 02:58 pm OpenCV Bug #4336 (Open): CPU CascadeClassifier with HOG not working anymore with opencv 3.0.0.rc1
- Valentino Proietti wrote:
> Hi,
> While moving from opencv 2.4.10 to opencv 3.0.0rc1 I found that the CPU CascadeCl...
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