Marco Bertini
- Registered on: 2012-05-05
- Last connection: 2014-04-29
Reported issues: 1
- 11:10 am OpenCV Bug #2731 (Open): 2.4.3 with clang++, CUDA and C++11 under OSX
- 10:28 pm OpenCV Bug #2412 (Open): link error: opencv 2.4.2 libc++
- The problem persists if you use Unix Makefiles instead of XCode: adding -std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++ to the CMAKE_CXX_FL...
- 01:28 pm OpenCV Bug #1877 (Done): GPU support on Mac OS X 10.7.3 - Cuda 4.1.28
- All the errors are eliminated by adding the namespaces.
- 01:09 pm OpenCV Bug #1877 (Done): GPU support on Mac OS X 10.7.3 - Cuda 4.1.28
- I confirm that to eliminate the first three errors (those about no matching functions) it's enough to fully qualify t...
- 01:02 pm OpenCV Bug #1877 (Done): GPU support on Mac OS X 10.7.3 - Cuda 4.1.28
- Compiling with:
C++ Compiler: /usr/bin/c++
nirvana:build bertini$ /usr/bin/c++ --version
Apple cl... - 01:01 pm OpenCV Bug #1877 (Done): GPU support on Mac OS X 10.7.3 - Cuda 4.1.28
- I'm experiencing this issue as well:
OSX: 10.7.3
CUDA Toolkit: 4.2
Also available in: Atom