Rasmus Diederichsen

  • Registered on: 2015-05-04
  • Last connection: 2015-05-04


Reported issues: 5


01:06 pm OpenCV Bugfix #4482 (New): Typo in calib3d module doc
When I put the pull req id #4181 in the Pull Request field, it tells me the value is invalid. I tried dropping the #...
01:04 pm OpenCV Bugfix #4482 (New): Typo in calib3d module doc
01:04 pm OpenCV Bugfix #4481 (Cancelled): Typo in calib3d module doc
12:16 pm OpenCV Bug #4474 (Cancelled): findEssentialMat and recoverPose do not work with normalised coordinates a...
I have since determined by manually labelling correspondences that it *does* work as expected, it seems my data was s...


09:25 am OpenCV Bug #4474 (Cancelled): findEssentialMat and recoverPose do not work with normalised coordinates a...


03:12 pm OpenCV Patch #4401 (Done): MatToUIImage does not respect alpha channel


12:12 pm OpenCV Bug #4310 (Done): Incomplete documentation for imgcodecs module

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