Julien Hirel

  • Registered on: 2012-05-04
  • Last connection: 2012-10-10


Reported issues: 3


12:43 pm OpenCV Bug #2426 (Done): Newest android.toolchain.cmake uses gcc for shared library linking, does not li...


06:43 pm OpenCV Bug #1892 (Cancelled): Setting CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES to 0 fails when VideoCapture is used to rea...
Thanks for the quick reply and fix Alexander.
Using r8314 fixed the problem for the code I supplied. However I am ...


06:42 pm OpenCV Bug #1892 (Cancelled): Setting CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES to 0 fails when VideoCapture is used to rea...
Well, the problem occurs when I'm trying to read an image (any image actually).
I just tested with the opencv logo, ...
05:52 pm OpenCV Bug #1893 (Done): Failing to read a frame with VideoCapture when reaching the end of a video take...
05:22 pm OpenCV Bug #1892 (Cancelled): Setting CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES to 0 fails when VideoCapture is used to rea...

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