Miguel Visionary

  • Registered on: 2012-05-04
  • Last connection: 2013-01-11


Reported issues: 1


12:31 pm OpenCV Bug #1373 (Done): Problem with fitLine related to checkVector.
Still happening with 2.4.3.
I belive the root of the problem comes from *_checkVector_* returning 2 which makes _i...


09:31 am OpenCV Bug #1901 (Cancelled): OpenCV2.4 build with GPU fails when building static library
I cannot test it right now, I'm on another project. srry guys.
As stated, it did not happen with svn branch r8135 so...


09:09 am OpenCV Bug #1901 (Cancelled): OpenCV2.4 build with GPU fails when building static library
Missing attached files.


09:29 am OpenCV Bug #1901 (Cancelled): OpenCV2.4 build with GPU fails when building static library
Does not happen with r8315
09:25 am OpenCV Bug #1901 (Cancelled): OpenCV2.4 build with GPU fails when building static library

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