Kevron Rees

  • Registered on: 2015-04-13
  • Last connection: 2015-05-26


Reported issues: 1


12:05 am OpenCV Bug #4275 (Open): Facedetect does not detect any faces with OpenCL enabled
Anyone been able to reproduce this?


03:31 am OpenCV Bug #4275 (Open): Facedetect does not detect any faces with OpenCL enabled
Philip L wrote:
> seems like the cpu models should be the correct ones


09:32 pm OpenCV Bug #4275 (Open): Facedetect does not detect any faces with OpenCL enabled
Steven Puttemans wrote:
> Might be a leap to far, but in order to get the CUDA implementation to work, we added a GPU...
02:16 am OpenCV Bug #4275 (Open): Facedetect does not detect any faces with OpenCL enabled

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