stav ares

  • Registered on: 2015-02-19
  • Last connection: 2015-08-19


Reported issues: 2


09:59 am OpenCV Bug #4431 (Done): Open CV copyTo function ( and probably other copying functions) looses precisio...
Turns out, i will have to wait at least until mid-july before i try anything, since i am on a time critical task. Sor...


12:07 pm OpenCV Bug #4431 (Done): Open CV copyTo function ( and probably other copying functions) looses precisio...
Maksim Shabunin wrote:
> Can you, please, check whether the PR 4148 ( fix...


10:33 am OpenCV Bug #4431 (Done): Open CV copyTo function ( and probably other copying functions) looses precisio...
[latest opencv built from source from github]
1) I read a binary file into an opencv Mat (lets say ma...


09:34 pm OpenCV Bug #4431 (Done): Open CV copyTo function ( and probably other copying functions) looses precisio...


11:54 am OpenCV Bug #4207 (Done): OpenCV 3.0 SVM crashes for large number of iterations


03:10 pm OpenCV Bug #4207 (Done): OpenCV 3.0 SVM crashes for large number of iterations
02:13 pm OpenCV Bug #4207 (Done): OpenCV 3.0 SVM crashes for large number of iterations
Nisarg Thakkar wrote:
> Can you post your training data?
As you have probably seen by now, i have posted my train...


02:43 pm OpenCV Bug #4207 (Done): OpenCV 3.0 SVM crashes for large number of iterations


01:30 pm OpenCV Bug #4207 (Done): OpenCV 3.0 SVM crashes for large number of iterations

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