Pavel Rojtberg

  • Registered on: 2015-02-13
  • Last connection: 2015-03-01


Reported issues: 2


01:04 pm OpenCV Bug #3225 (Done): opencv_ts links in gtest symbols which get pulled in by opencv.pc
never mind. this is not as easy to fix as I thought: as the ts module is static CV_EXPORTS wont help and making it sh...


04:29 pm OpenCV Bug #3225 (Done): opencv_ts links in gtest symbols which get pulled in by opencv.pc
this effectively drops the *ts* module for external usage. at least I found the *ts* module very convenient as it did...


01:52 pm OpenCV Bug #1999 (Done): strtod loses all precision after using cv::imshow with OpenCV + QT
the problem is probably that Qt changes locale. a setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C") at the correct place should fix this.
01:49 pm OpenCV Feature #4224 (New): viz::Camera should be usable without vtk
the code is -also- *useful* in other contexts as well like ARUCO or using OpenGL directly.
01:47 pm OpenCV Feature #4224 (New): viz::Camera should be usable without vtk
01:34 pm OpenCV Bug #4044 (Done): Unable to build with Python 3 support on Ubuntu 14.10
as a workaround you can delete everything python2 and python3 related from cmake gui and re-run configuration.
it ac...


05:22 pm OpenCV Bug #4195 (New): ocl_goodFeaturesToTrack: error in maxEigenVal Kernel when using mask

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