Kirt Lillywhite

  • Registered on: 2012-02-12
  • Last connection: 2013-03-26


Reported issues: 4


09:56 pm OpenCV Bug #2922 (Open): Indices from convexHull not monotonic
09:47 pm OpenCV Bug #2922 (Open): Indices from convexHull not monotonic


05:38 pm OpenCV Bug #2005 (Cancelled): Suppress OpenCV error messages


07:54 pm OpenCV Bug #478 (Done): Small documentation mistake
07:51 pm OpenCV Bug #161 (Done): Memory Corruption in FilterEngine::proceed
This bug still exists in the svn trunk. To reproduce
1. Download test.cpp test_image.png
2. Compile g++ test.cpp ...


05:58 pm OpenCV Bug #161 (Done): Memory Corruption in FilterEngine::proceed
The problem is still there with the newest version in SVN that I checked out, revision 2999. If you just run the code...


03:51 pm OpenCV Bug #161 (Done): Memory Corruption in FilterEngine::proceed
I've fixed my problem by cloning the subimage so that the variable isolated was true and the parent image wasn't used...


02:35 am OpenCV Bug #161 (Done): Memory Corruption in FilterEngine::proceed
Replying to "kfrance":/issues/show/161:
> I've been having a weird memory corruption problem that I've been trying t...


03:45 am OpenCV Bug #161 (Done): Memory Corruption in FilterEngine::proceed

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