Yida Wang
- Registered on: 2014-10-09
- Last connection: 2015-05-29
Reported issues: 14
- 06:35 pm OpenCV Bug #4369 (Cancelled): cv::viz::WCloud can't set PRESENTATION as viz::REPRESENTATION_SURFACE for ...
- 01:49 pm OpenCV Bug #3986 (Done): Compiling errors for cap_ffmpeg on Ubuntu 14.10 x64
- Ubuntu 14.04 uses libav version 9 instead of Ubuntu 14.10, so the version 14.04 is the best solution
Gregory Kramida...
- 11:07 am OpenCV Bugfix #4148 (Cancelled): Error when decoding a jpeg file
- No worry.
Different decompression algorithm in OpenCV and Matlab with jpeg iamges, it is usually applied eith the MA... - 11:06 am OpenCV Bugfix #4148 (Cancelled): Error when decoding a jpeg file
- 11:04 am OpenCV Bug #4046 (Cancelled): Error when decoding a jpeg file
- Different decompression algorithm in OpenCV and Matlab with jpeg iamges
- 10:57 am OpenCV Bugfix #4133 (Cancelled): cv::resize and cv::warpAffine produce different results
- r2: [1, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4;
3, 4, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6]
- 07:54 am OpenCV Bug #3212 (Cancelled): cv::resize and cv::warpAffine produce different results
- 07:53 am OpenCV Bugfix #4133 (Cancelled): cv::resize and cv::warpAffine produce different results
- 07:43 am OpenCV Bug #3212 (Cancelled): cv::resize and cv::warpAffine produce different results
- The problem lies in the affine Metrix, it is wrongly designed, to get a fine affine Metrix, you need to set up three ...
- 02:04 am OpenCV Bug #4131 (Done): Wrong result in RBF SVM in contrast with orignal libSVM
- It's done, the problem lies on the parameter svmparameter.gamma, it should be set as smaller as data point differs mu...
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