Sebastián Ramírez
- Registered on: 2014-09-29
- Last connection: 2014-11-10
Reported issues: 2
- 06:04 pm OpenCV Bug #3997 (Cancelled): BackgroundSubtractorMOG glitch - Windows 7 x64 - Python 2.7 x64 - OpenCV 2...
- I was expecting BackgroundSubtractorMOG to set a learning rate to the new frames of 1.0 / *history*, but the default ...
- 05:36 pm OpenCV Bug #3997 (Cancelled): BackgroundSubtractorMOG glitch - Windows 7 x64 - Python 2.7 x64 - OpenCV 2...
- I just compiled by myself cv2.pyd and the gitch persists.
I also compiled the library under linux (CentOS 6.6 x64)...
- 11:19 pm OpenCV Bug #3997 (Cancelled): BackgroundSubtractorMOG glitch - Windows 7 x64 - Python 2.7 x64 - OpenCV 2...
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