Xing Chen

  • Registered on: 2012-04-04
  • Last connection: 2012-07-06


Reported issues: 2


05:59 am OpenCV Feature #1229 (Open): add scrollbars to highgui windows
Alternatively, if introducing a scrollbar is too hard, maybe we can add an option to show the status bar on the top-l...
02:40 am OpenCV Feature #1229 (Open): add scrollbars to highgui windows
I've been suffering from the problem for a long time. A scrollbar is really very very important for inspecting large ...


07:52 pm OpenCV Patch #1809 (Done): usleep not found: include unistd.h in Qt GUI


11:43 pm OpenCV Patch #1760 (Done): Build error for Android (videostab)

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