Khue Le
- Registered on: 2014-09-02
- Last connection: 2014-10-10
Reported issues: 1
- 03:52 am OpenCV Bug #3900 (Done): BUILD_TBB=ON and BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON fail to build
- P/s: By disabling BUILD_PERF_TESTS, I finally could compile it. (But I'm not sure that TBB will be working properly.)
- 03:24 am OpenCV Bug #3900 (Done): BUILD_TBB=ON and BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON fail to build
- I installed from the 3.0 master branch last week without TBB. Everything has gone well. Today I enabled TBB and compi...
- 05:49 pm OpenCV Bug #3906 (Open): Highgui window is not scaled properly when displaying small images
- 04:06 pm OpenCV Bug #3152 (Done): Missing Icons in Highgui Toolbar
- It works with Qt 5.3.
- 02:27 pm OpenCV Bug #3152 (Done): Missing Icons in Highgui Toolbar
- Steven Puttemans wrote:
> Got OpenCV 2.4.9 latest github release built with Qt 5.3 and CUDA 6.5 on Ubuntu 14.04 x64 ...
- 03:58 pm OpenCV Bug #3152 (Done): Missing Icons in Highgui Toolbar
- Any suggestions to solve this problem?
OpenCV 2.4.9, Qt 5. on x64 Ubuntu 14.04 and still have this problem.
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