Mitar M

  • Registered on: 2012-02-12


Reported issues: 6


03:48 am OpenCV Patch #722 (Open): Add a way to retrieve original frame timestamp on v4l/libv4l
03:21 am OpenCV Patch #721 (Done): libv4l querymenu is noisy
03:18 am OpenCV Patch #720 (Done): Increase timeout in v4l and libv4l for modern cameras
03:08 am OpenCV Feature #719 (Done): Quiet library warnings


01:45 pm OpenCV Bug #514 (Done): Bug in cornerSubPix (cvFindCornerSubPix)
How do you get this backprojection error? Is maybe there similar bug/problem/error/assumption? Like 0.5 in one direct...


01:58 am OpenCV Patch #632 (Open): Decrease libv4l capture latency
I also made a "patch": for improving lib...
01:28 am OpenCV Patch #632 (Open): Decrease libv4l capture latency


12:51 am OpenCV Patch #545 (Open): Improvements to cvFindChessboardCorners
Replying to "mitar":/issues/show/545:
> increased @thresh_scale@ to 1.5 so that also corners which are apart for sqr...


10:08 pm OpenCV Patch #545 (Open): Improvements to cvFindChessboardCorners
Those images were made by turning of some of features of patched version so they might not be exactly the same as ori...
09:27 pm OpenCV Patch #545 (Open): Improvements to cvFindChessboardCorners

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