Carlos M.

  • Registered on: 2012-04-01
  • Last connection: 2012-04-06


Reported issues: 2


05:31 am OpenCV Bug #1708 (Done): swscaler - bad dst image pointers
Tested r7859 on Ubuntu x64 11.10 -- works as promised. Thanks, Alexander!
05:29 am OpenCV Bug #1755 (Done): cvQueryFrame gives [swscaler @ ... ] bad dst image pointers
Hurrah! Works in r7859. Thank you, Alexander!


08:25 pm OpenCV Bug #227 (Done): CV_CAP_PROP_FPS returns always 0
Sincere thanks to Alexander for this much-needed fix!
(Not sure this is the best place, but it's important to acknow...
05:30 pm OpenCV Bug #1755 (Done): cvQueryFrame gives [swscaler @ ... ] bad dst image pointers
I confirm that this problem is specific to NEW_FFMPEG.
Adding set(NEW_FFMPEG 0) in modules/highgui/CMakeLists.txt ...
06:04 am OpenCV Bug #1755 (Done): cvQueryFrame gives [swscaler @ ... ] bad dst image pointers
01:27 am OpenCV Bug #1708 (Done): swscaler - bad dst image pointers
I also get blank frames.
01:16 am OpenCV Bug #1708 (Done): swscaler - bad dst image pointers
I also confirm this failure on 64-bit Ubuntu 11.10 :
kernel 3.0.0-17
gcc 4.6.1
opencv trunk -r 7814M built with ...


10:09 pm OpenCV Feature #1746 (Done): Please include instructions on running test suite


10:35 pm OpenCV Bug #1497 (Cancelled): Bug - cvSetCaptureProperty with CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES produces wrong results
This problem -- like anything related to CV_CAP_PROP_* -- gives newcomers a very bad impression of the quality of Ope...
10:34 pm OpenCV Bug #227 (Done): CV_CAP_PROP_FPS returns always 0
This problem -- like anything related to CV_CAP_PROP_* -- gives newcomers a very bad impression of the quality of Ope...

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