Will Lucas
- Registered on: 2012-03-27
- Last connection: 2014-03-20
Reported issues: 5
- 08:56 pm OpenCV Bug #2859 (Done): Mac OSX build error.
- Thanks guys! Downloading the archive from github now...
- 08:26 pm OpenCV Bug #2859 (Done): Mac OSX build error.
- Thanks guys! Downloading the archive from github now...
- 04:58 pm OpenCV Bug #2859 (Done): Mac OSX build error.
- I uploaded the CMake output, and I've also uploaded the @modules/java/test@ build folder, which has all the relevant ...
- 04:42 pm OpenCV Bug #2859 (Done): Mac OSX build error.
- I uploaded the CMake output, and I've also uploaded the @modules/java/test@ build folder, which has all the relevant ...
- 09:05 pm OpenCV Bug #2859 (Done): Mac OSX build error.
- 11:24 pm OpenCV Bug #2639 (Cancelled): Unable to set CFLAGS or CXXFLAGS in OpenCV 2.4.3.
- Forgot to add this was on Ubuntu 12.04 using the released OpenCV 2.4.3 sources.
- 11:20 pm OpenCV Bug #2639 (Cancelled): Unable to set CFLAGS or CXXFLAGS in OpenCV 2.4.3.
- 05:57 am OpenCV Feature #2224 (Open): More operations of CCS-packed DFT spectra is advisable
- I created two such methods (division and magnitude) for doing phase correlation a while back. However, as of right no...
- 04:40 pm OpenCV Patch #2221 (Done): Possible BackgroundSubtractorMOG2 bug.
- I did a little more digging and I found the bug. Basically, the if statement around the MOG2Invoker was restricting t...
- 04:59 am OpenCV Patch #2221 (Done): Possible BackgroundSubtractorMOG2 bug.
- I also forgot to mention I am using the 2.4.2 release on Ubuntu 12.04.
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